In science writing, the very first task you should do is to write definitions. Sometimes you are required define a person, in other cases, you are asked to define an instrument, a noun, a technical term etc. To write a definition, you often use a relative clause to clarify the noun/pronoun defined. In this context you have here Reading passage about matter and measurement followed by comprehension questions, and grammar in use part you have review of relative clauses and relative adverbs, and how to write a simple definition.
The whole lesson, matter and measurement, is selected to be taught in English. They aim to provide students with reading and writing practice to prepare them to be able to read a relatively long passage and give extended answers in English. After completing this, students should be able to: understand and use the English terms related to describing different forms of matter and measurement and use the relative clauses and relative adverbs to write a definition- معلم: Titila Attia