مخطط الموضوع
- Students of groups (6/7/8) are required to
- Print or copy the graphic organizer: from paragraph to essay (http://elearning.univ-biskra.dz/moodle/pluginfile.php/231340/mod_resource/intro/Essay_structure_diagram%20%281%29.jpg)
- Read the model essay (check the attached reference book on pp. 94-96).https://www.borzabadi.com/ckfinder/userfiles/files/Writers%20Resources%20From%20Paragraph%20to%20Essay.pdf
الموضوع 1
In this section, students find attached the course description and its content. Besides, a weekly distribution of lessons and tests is provided. It is then highly recommended that students read the syllabus carefully for better understanding of the course and hence successful achievement of objectives.LESSON ONE: FROM PARAGRAPH TO ESSAY
As students have dealt with paragraph writing in their last two years (L1 & L2), they are now required to develop their academic writing to a more advanced level, namely essay writing. As a prerequisite for this unit, students are supposed to master perfectly the paragraph structure (topic sentence, major support(s), minor support(s), concluding sentence). Being familiar with mechanics of writing at this level would also help students to effortlessly structure their essays.
To understand how a paragraph could be extended to an essay, this book (Writer's Resources: From Paragraph to Essay, 2nd Edition (borzabadi.com) provides a good example. Students are required to check chapter 7 (pp.94-97) to read a model essay developed from a paragraph (title: Our daily tutor).
In this section, students learn how to formulate a well-focused thesis statement in both direct (blueprinted) and indirect types.
In this worksheet, students practice how to write an effective, well-focused thesis statement.