This course represents an introduction to research methodology. It sheds light on the basic concepts relevant to reserach and reserach methodology to second year students who are dealing with it for the first time. The chief aim of this course is to theoretically introduce learners  to scientific reserach  and help them understand the meaning and the significance of reserach methodology  in order to enable them  to practically conduct it.

This course presents details about theories and approaches to modern linguistics that were flourished in the 20th centuryThis course presents details about theories and approaches to modern linguistics that were flourished in the 20th century, led by F. De Saussure, L. Bloomfield, E. Sapir and N. Chomsky. These series of lessons will be divided into units and main themes. They will spot light on the main schools of linguistics in Europe and America across the two semesters. The lessons will present the three main schools of linguistics of the 20th century: structural, functional and Mentalist. The course will also introduce to interdisciplinary fields of sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics and applied linguistics.

English Phonetics is a four semesters course for undergraduate students of English at the University of Biskra. In addition to defining the basic concepts in the field of Phonetics and explaining the anatomy and mechanisms of human speech, the course introduces students to the phonemic (i.e., vowels and consonants) as well as the prosodic aspects (i.e., stress, intonation, and rhythm) of English pronunciation. In this third term, the English Phonetics course focuses on word stress and its placement in different types of English words (i.e., simple words, complex words, compound words).

S4 Research methodology aims to introduce L2 students to basic concepts and tools of doing research  and university work in general. It focuses on developping learners' skills of critical literature review. Engaging with the different learning activities in this course also helps students to develop their analytical skills, discovery methods,  investigative skills, critical thinking, logic and argumentation.