Englisih Language - Bank Marketing -
Topic outline
Teacher of the subject: Ben Abid Farid. Contact: farid.benabid@univ-biskra.dz Availability: from 01:30 pm to 03:30 pm. Every Tuesday in Teachers’ staff.
Coefficient: 01
Credits: 01
Overall hourly volume: 22hours and 30 minutes
Volume of personal work hours required/week: 1h30 A week
Evaluation modality: Exam/ Test, homework and participation
- Providing a solid foundation in the field of Bank Marketing
- focusing on the language of the skills needed for doing business across cultures
- giving practice in using the new vocabulary and expressions
- Fostering the English language skills the students need to deal with situations that they will encounter in the job market
The student’s grammar skills
The proper ways to write a paragraph
Vocabularies relating to business