Course Description

Course Description

by Tarek Assassi -
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Academic writing is an essential skill that helps tertiary-level learners to cope with the academic assignments in different courses. Written expression for 3rd year classes is a course that aims to develop particularly students’ essay writing skill. It equips them with the necessary writing mechanics to write an effective essay of different patterns of organization. The course focuses on both parts and types of the essay with intensive practices inside and outside classroom.

Third year Written expression is a tutorial-based course (TD) of a weekly schedule of one hour and a half (1h.30).  Its program is thematically divided into two terms. In the first term, students will be exposed to different parts essay writing, namely introductory paragraph, thesis statement, body paragraphs, and concluding paragraph. In addition, it sheds some light on the essential elements of the essay especially coherence, cohesion, unity and completeness. In the second term, students will practice writing some types of essays (methods of development), which include process, classification, cause/effect, compare/contrast and persuasive (argumentative) essay.