Licence 2
The course will begin with an overview of the structure of modern operating systems, analyze in detail each of the major components of an operating system. We will discuss the history of modern computers and explore more advanced topics in the field, including memory management, process scheduling and input/output management.
- معلم: djemaa Boukhlouf
The objective of this course is to introduce the theory of formal languages.
Languages allow humans to exchange information and ideas and to communicate with machines.
The languages used between humans are called 'natural languages', they are usually informal and ambiguous and require interpretation by a human brain to be interpreted correctly.
The languages created by humans to communicate with the machine are the formal languages or artificial languages. They must be formalized and unambiguous in order to be interpreted by a machine, this is the goal of this course.
- معلم: Foudil Cherif
Ce cours sert comme une initiation aux bases de données en donnant leurs principes de base d'une manière simple et claire. Le cours aborde alors des concepts de base tels que les fichiers, les différents modèles de données et spatialement le modèle relationnel, l’algèbre relationnelle, le système de gestion de base de données et le langage SQL d’interrogation de bases de données. Par conséquent, l’étudiant peut comprendre l'importance de structurer les données, le concept d'indépendance entre données et traitements ainsi que l'intégrité et la cohérence des données.
- معلم: Asma Ammari
- معلم: Houcine Belouaar
- معلم: Okba Houhou
This course aims to have an overview of communication networks, to present their role as well as the different equipment that compose them. It explains the fundamental principles of networks, such as switching modes or the structures of protocols in layers. It allows to understand the functionality of the main techniques used in modern networks, without going into the details of each of them, by introducing the Internet as an example of a network.
Recommended prior knowledge:
Architecture of a computer system, Binary representations of information, Operating system
- معلم: Abdelhamid Djeffal