Licence 2
This chapter deals with some modern linguistic schools and movements
- Teacher: Bilal Zennou
- Teacher: Salim KHIDER
Niveau : 2 licence / Gr 6
Module : Français.
Résumé du cours
Le mot est l'unité linguistique la plus importante dans la construction de la phrase. Les
parties du discours traitent le mot en détail, dans ce premier cours on va étudier le mot
dans sa globalité et essayer de le rapprocher selon sa fonction. Cette classification
demeure importante pour tout chercheur universitaire qui s'intéresse à la langue française.
Objectif du cours
Tracer un schéma général des différentes parties du discours, et facilité l’intégration
du jeune étudiant des autres langues étrangères à la compréhension de la langue
française comme une autre langue étrangère facile à acquérir.
Educational Resources for L2 Research Methodology G 03/04
- Teacher: Meriem Ghennai
- Teacher: Hanane Saihi
The objective of this course is to acquaint students with English pronunciation, putting emphasis
on stress placement because of its importance in speech. In addition to this, the shift to aspects of
connected speech such as weak forms, elision, linking and assimilation as well as intonation aims to
help students develop both their speaking and listening competencies to be fluent and also
to have the ability to understand native speakers for the sake of good communication.
- Teacher: saliha chelli
English Phonetics is a four semesters course for undergraduate students of English at the University of Biskra. In addition to defining the basic concepts in the field of Phonetics and explaining the anatomy and mechanisms of human speech, the course introduces students to the phonemic (i.e., vowels and consonants) as well as the prosodic aspects (i.e., stress, intonation, and rhythm) of English pronunciation. In this third term, the English Phonetics course focuses on word stress and its placement in different types of English words (i.e., simple words, complex words, compound words).
- Teacher: Moustafa Amrate
An introduction to Translation
- Teacher: Amina Mansouri