Topic outline

  • Contact card

    Teacher: Dr. BROUTHEN Abdelaziz

    Faculty: Sciences &Technology

    Department: Civil Engineering & Hydraulics

    Targeted public: 2nd year Bachelor Civil Engineering

    Module: TP RDM

    Teaching unit: Methodology

    Code: UEM 2.2

    Credit: 01

    Coefficient: 01

    Duration: 14 weeks


    Sunday: 08h00 to 11h10: G03

    Wednesday: 13h10 to 16h20: G04

    Contact: by email at (Response will be within 36 hours )


    In Lab N°03 ( Scientific research Labs opposite the previous Faculty of Sciences & Technology):  Monday & Thursday (from 09h00 to 12h00) 

  • Concept map

  • Evaluation mode

  • Introduction to Strength of Materials

  • LW N°01: Tensile & Compression Test

  • LW N°02: Simple Bending Test

  • LW N°03: Torsion Test

  • LW N°04: Resilience (Impact) Test