Topic outline

  • First Lesson: Company structure

  • Second Lesson: Oragnizational sturctures: Horizontal , Matrix, ...

    • Exercice:

      Read the material again, and make the following tasks:

      1- find out the verbs in pages 219-220 and say in which tense they are conjugated. 

      2- Draw a table and summarize the pros and cons (advantages + disadvantages ) of the different stuctures: functional, divisional, matrix, team and network structures…

      3- Write an essay talking about how do office workers in Algeria spend their day in organizations? Do they give more importance to formal or informal structures?

      PS: I am waiting for a very good homeworks!

  • Third Lesson: Pricing

    • Exercise:

      Read the text again and do the following:

      1- Use the dictionary to  define and understand each single collocation with the term Price ( that we disnt do on the online lesson) and find out the collocations that are synonyms .

      2- Choose the right pronunciation of the final 's'  in the following words: 

      orders, markets, assets, implementations, brokers, amounts, businesses, incomes, pays, options, prices, values, marketers, goods, services, closings, earnings, ideas, budgets, tasks.

      ps: here is another good website: 

  • Fourth Lesson: Describing charts, diagrams, and tables

  • Fifth Lesson: Market Research

  • Sixth leson: Trade policies in Algeria

  • Trade policies in Algeria (2nd part)

  • Sales Techniques

  • Business Ethics