story time

story time

بواسطة - Farah M'Sellem
عدد الردود: 2

Miss I did not know that I have to use my voice , sorry
رداً على Farah M'Sellem

Re: story time

بواسطة - Farah M'Sellem
Story time:
Our story today is one of the meaningful stories and it is also one of the expressive stories. It tells about a girl called Laila who loves drawing and coloring, and she dreamed of becoming a famous artist. It is an interesting story and it contains lessons. I hope you like it.
There was a girl named Laila, who lived in a large and crowded city. Laila loved drawing and painting. She dreamed of becoming a famous artist and spent long hours drawing and coloring her paintings and hanging them on the walls of her room. She did not share her talent with anyone for fear of criticism and rejection. One day, a strange man wearing elegant clothes and carrying a magic wand came to the city and said that he was a circus artist and was looking for new talents. He said that he would show his magic and funny shows and he would choose the best ones, and he would take them with him to the circus, and he would make their owners stars and famous.
Laila heard about the man and felt curious and excited. She wanted to see the man and show him her paintings, but she was shy and hesitant, wondering if the man would accept her paintings? Will people like her work? Will her life change for the better as she thinks?
Laila decided to try her luck and take her paintings with her. She left her house and headed to the place where the strange man was staying. When she reached a large tent colored with circus colors, she entered it and there she found the man standing on a platform and displaying his magic and funny shows. He was able to transform things into other shapes. He made people laugh with his jokes and acrobatic tricks. People would applaud him and cheer for him with admiration.
When the man saw Laila, he smiled at her and said to her: “Hello, my little girl, what do you hold in your hands? Are they paintings? Are you an artist?”
Laila answered shyly: “Yes, I love drawing and painting, and these are some of my paintings. I heard that you are a circus artist and are looking for new talents. Can I show you my paintings? Maybe you will like them.”
The man looked at her paintings with an interested look and said to her: “I love art and I love colors. Come on, show me your paintings and I will tell you what I think.”
Laila gave him her paintings, and waited nervously. The man took her paintings and looked at them with concentration. Her paintings were beautiful and cheerful and reflected her sweet and cheerful personality. She used to paint simple and familiar things like flowers, animals, and stars, but she added her own touches and favorite colors to them, which made her paintings lively and happy.
When the man finished looking at her paintings, he returned them to her and then said to her in a loud voice: “People, I want to show you something wonderful. These are the paintings of Laila, the little girl who lives in this city. She is a talented and creative artist, and deserves admiration and appreciation. Do you see how she paints things in her style?” The special and bright colors? Do you feel joyful and relaxed when you look at her paintings? Do you like her paintings?
People looked at Laila's paintings and felt admiration and joy. They began to applaud and cheer for her with admiration. They said: "Yes, we love her wonderful paintings. She is a wonderful artist and deserves stardom and fame. Take her with you to the circus and make her a star."
Laila felt happy and proud, and she did not expect to receive such a reception from people. She did not get the opportunity to show her paintings, and she did not get the opportunity to realize her dream before. She thanked the man, thanked the people, and accepted her beautiful paintings. The man smiled at her and said to her: “You are welcome, my little girl. You are a talented and creative artist and you deserve to be a circus star. Do you want to come with me and show your paintings to the world? Do you want to achieve your dream and be a famous artist?”
Laila looked at him with a contemplative look and then said to him: “Thank you for your offer, sir. I am grateful to you for your interest in my paintings, but I do not want to go with you to the circus, and I do not want to be a circus star. I want to be a real artist, and I want to study art and learn from artists.” I want to display my paintings in galleries and museums, and I want to achieve my dream, not your dream.”
The man looked at her with a surprised look and said to her: “You reject my offer and you reject this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You reject fame, fortune, glory, and being a circus star?
Laila said to him: “Yes, I refuse. I do not care about fame, wealth, and glory. Rather, I care about art, beauty, and creativity. I do not want to be a circus star. I want to be a real artist.”
The man laughed sarcastically and said to her: “You are dreaming of the impossible, my little girl. You live in a poor city and think that you can reach stardom, and you know nothing about art, culture and life. Your paintings are not worth studying, learning and displaying. Your paintings deserve laughter, ridicule and forgetting, and you are wasting my time and yours. Go away.” And never come back.”
Laila felt sad and insulted, and the strange man’s words affected her. She did not expect to receive such a response from the man. She did not get a chance to show her paintings, and she did not get a chance to realize her dream. Rather, she expected to be encouraged more. She took her paintings, returned to her house, and put her paintings on the walls of her room and did not hang them once. Other. I stopped drawing and stopped dreaming.
Several years later, the strange man died, leaving his magic wand behind. People opened his stick, and found many paintings and drawings in it. They were paintings and drawings of people who were showing him their work, whom he rejected and ridiculed. The man would take their works, claim them as his own, and display them in the circus in his name. He was a fraud and a fraud, he was not a real artist and he was exploiting people's talents, stealing their work, and making money and fame at their expense.
When Laila learned the truth, she greatly regretted that she had listened to the man, and she regretted that she had given up her paintings. She regretted that she had lost her self-confidence, and lost her chance to succeed. She regretted that she wasted her life in the city, and did not try to achieve her dream. She regretted that she had not been brave and persistent.
At that moment, Laila decided to change her life and decided to return to painting, to show her paintings to the world, and she decided to prove to herself and others that she was a talented and creative artist. She decided to fulfill her dream, and to be a real artist.
This is the story of Laila, the girl who loved drawing, stopped, then returned to it and began to pursue her dream and ambition to achieve her dream. This is a purposeful story that teaches us to trust ourselves, follow our dreams, and overcome obstacles. This is a story about courage, determination, and success.
This story holds many useful and inspiring lessons. Some of these lessons are:
We have to trust ourselves and our talents, and not listen to people’s negative and frustrating words.
We have to follow our dreams and strive to achieve them, and not let them go away in the air.
We must overcome the obstacles and difficulties that face us on our way, and not give up or despair.
We have to be brave and determined to succeed, and not afraid to take risks or change.
We have to be honest with ourselves and with others, and not compromise our values or identity.
These are some lessons that can be taken from this story. I hope it is useful to you and do not forget to share it with your friends so that everyone can benefit.