Education through electronice and paper Books and the difference between them

Education through electronice and paper Books and the difference between them

by Chahinez Soltani -
Number of replies: 1

Education through electronic and paper books offers diverse learning avenues. Electronic books provide instant access to a vast array of resources, enhancing interactivity and multimedia integration, while paper books offer tactile engagement and uninterrupted focus. Both mediums contribute to a holistic educational experience, catering to individual learning preferences and fostering critical thinking skills.

Definition of E-book it is an electronic publication containing texts and images, which is produced, published, and read on computers or other electronic devices

Definition of paper book it is a specific intellectual production printed on a set of papers fastened together to form a single unit. The first book appeared in the middle of the fourteenth century AD, and then it developed and spread to be published in all eritten languages, and on all walks of science and knowledge.

<<Benefits of the e-book

Accessible anywhere, anytime...

-Conveniently portable.....

-Takes care of the eyes.....

-Interactive multimedia elements.....

-Easy to highlight and insert comments/notes.

-Text-to-speech or read-aloud feature.

-An embedded dictionary to find tough words.

<Benefits of the paper book

-Enhanced Reading Comprehension

-Allow for Better Sleep

-No Need for Batteries

-Easier on the Eyes

-Artistic Book Covers

-Ability to Share Books With Others

Disadvantages of e-book:

1-Lack of Motivation

2-No Effort

3-Low Eyesight and Stressful


5-Consume Electricity

Desadvantages of paper book:

 One disadvantage that many avid readers have expressed on the paper book is the amount of difficulty carrying around more than one book at a time. While some paper books are smaller, and therefore lighter, other paper books are larger and very difficult to carry around. Avid readers that travel a lot have had to either deal with the difficulty of transporting one or more book, or they have had to leave behind their best form of enjoyment

What is the difference between an e-book and a paper book?

E-books have changed the business of book publishing and the reading experience of the general public. Dedicated e-readere and other amart devices are integral to e books offering affordances to overcome the physical imitations of print book and to provide the functionality of information technology. Using netnography, we analysed the comments of online readers to articles in The New York Times and Soentific Amencanand coded by themes identified in the Sterature of e-books versus print books. An Affordance Theary approach was used to provide maights into the readers' perceptions of real and actual affordances and the value delleered by thean affordances Comments by online readers of two diverse datasets.confirm results found in questionnaires and surveys moarted in the academic literature. It is the physical attributes and functionality of smart devices used in e-reading that provides the opportunity of affordance. Our study provides support for an affordance perspective of e-books and e-readers. It also highlights preferences for e-books and/or print books in various contexts. To read more

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Re: Education through electronice and paper Books and the difference between them

by Houria Athmani -