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ICT is technology that supports activities involving information. Such activities include gathering, processing, storing and presenting data. Increasingly these activities also involve collaboration and communication. Hence IT has become ICT: information and communication technology


Implement is a verb that means to put a plan, decision, or agreement into effect. It involves taking action to carry out or fulfill something. In the context of software development, implementation refers to the process of turning a design or concept into a working product or system.

information technology

Information Technology refers to the use of computer systems, software, networks, and electronic devices to store, process, transmit, and retrieve information.


The "Internet" is a global network of interconnected computers and devices that use standardized communication protocols to exchange data and information. It enables communication, collaboration, and the sharing of resources and services across geographic boundaries. The Internet consists of a vast infrastructure of networks, including public, private, academic, business, and government networks, interconnected through various technologies such as fiber-optic cables, wireless connections, and satellite links. It facilitates a wide range of online activities, including browsing websites, sending and receiving emails, accessing online services, and participating in social media platforms. The Internet has profoundly impacted society, revolutionizing communication, commerce, education, entertainment, and many other aspects of daily life.