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University Mohamed Khider of Biskra

Faculty of Letters and Languages

Department of Foreign Languages

Field of English

L3/ Oral Expression/ Course on Moodle



In those hard times of lockdown, we’re enduring home ‘internment’ and social distancing; and we daily hear in the news, or come across in various media networks and social media platforms a language terminology that is sometimes common, but also new to us,  some other times: this is COVID-19 vocabulary. Therefore, we regularly or sporadically learn, nouns such as symptoms, outbreak, pandemic, transmission; verbs and expressions such as to ban gatherings, to protect the vulnerable, to restrict travel, and to flatten the curve; adjectives such as contagious, symptomatic, mandatory, and unprecedented. This is for those who want to follow the news and discuss this important issue with a certain knowledge in English. So, as language learners, we have to update our thematic vocabulary stock, and be aware of the language use around us.

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