مخطط الموضوع
- For the introductory lecture (23/12/2020), students are required to read the attached chapter ( From global trends to local contexts) and answer the guiding questions in the reading card. The objective is to understand the main thoughts discussed in the chapter and draw up a personal summary.
In the course description section, students are given an ID card of the course, its objectives and content. A weekly distribution of lectures is provided besides reading chapters. Students also find assessment and grading policy in the course description.
LECTURE 1: ELT today: dilemmas in the classroom
In this introductory lecture, students are required to read the following chapter and make their own summaries at home as a prerequisite for the lecture accomplishment.
Reading: Changing English, world Englishes: dilemmas for the ELT classroom (pp. 181-197)Hall, G. (2011). Exploring English language teaching: language in action. New York. Routledge
Hall, G. (2011). Exploring English language teaching: language in action. New York. Routledge
This reading card includes a reading map of the chapter and some guiding questions that may help you read through out the chapter and understand its gist. Please answer the questions and draw up your own lecture summary.
This chapter from "Developing courses in English for specific purposes" by Helen Basturkman is organized into four sections. The first section suggests the different descriptions of ESP by different authors. The second presents scenarios of ESP teaching and the problems teachers encounter in each case. The third discusses the particular demands ESP teaching and course design have on teachers.The final section considers ideas about the effectiveness of ESP courses with reference to empirical evidence provided by research.
investigating learners' needs is the fundamental phase in conducting an effective needs analysis. This chapter first introduces a set of definitions and then discusses the importance of needs analysis in designing a well=tailored course for ESP learners. Hypothetical scenarios are also given in both areas EAP and EOP.
In this guide, students find some points of focus and some reflection questions that may help them in revising and preparing for their examination.