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Environmental protection is the taking of measures to limit or eliminatethe negative impact of human activities on his environment.Course for the first-year hydraulics National Stream1FN

Environmental protection is the taking of measures to limit or eliminate the negative impact of human activities on his environment.

The word environment is polysemic, that is, it has several different meanings,the concept of environment is concerned with nature in relation to human activities, and Interactions between man and nature
 The environment is "the set of elements (biotic or abiotic) that surround an individual or species, some of which contribute directly to its needs, or again as "all natural conditions (physical, chemical, biological) and cultural (sociological) likely to act on living organisms and activities Human.
The concept of natural environment, often referred to by the single word "environment", has much has evolved over the last centuries and especially in recent Decades.
The environment is understood as the set of natural components of planet Earth, such as air, water, atmosphere, rocks, plants, animals, and all phenomena and interactions that unfold there, that is to say everything that surrounds Man and his activities
— although this central position of man is precisely an object of controversy in the field of ecology.

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