Topic outline
Teacher : ROUINA ABDESSAMI Contact : abdessami.rouina@univ-biskra.dz
Coefficient: 01
Credits: 01
ٍGlobal hourly volume : 21 hours.
Weekly hourly volumeM 1h30 per week.
Evaluation methods : 100% "TD".
- Develop the language skills of students in strategic management by focusing on concepts and expressions in the field.
- Ameliorate their grammar by writing several texts in their field.
- Build student confidence when working in an international business environment.
The student must know the basis of Business English in those fields:
- International Trade.
- International Business.
Read the text carefully.
Translate all the concepts you don't understand, into French or Arabic.
Listen carefully to the video in attached file. Try listening to it several times, then write a text of everything that was said or at least what you have captured...
Look at the attached video, starting from the second minute until the eighth one, to get an idea about what you have to do in order to solve the exercise given in the last session.