2. Microsoft Word

2.4. Exploring the Home and View Tab of Microsoft Word

The Home Tab contains the most commonly used document controls; actions in the Home Tab can change the font and size of the text, paragraph, and line spacing, copy and paste, change the organizational structure of the document.


The Home Tab is grouped into four distinct areas: Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, and Styles.

1. The Font group: 

The Font group: provides unlimited customization of text. It allows users to change the font or style of the text, the size of the text, provide text emphasis, and even change the colors.


2. The Paragraph Group

The Paragraph Group focuses on arranging text in a paragraph. Users may create lists, adjust the indentation, sort items, show paragraph formatting, correctly, align text in a paragraph, adjust line spacing, add fill color in shapes, and create borders.


Bullet Lists

Starting in the upper left corner are bullet lists clipboard_e2f5f5678614477a7dcd487b14a515547.png. Bullet lists should be used when creating a list of similar items that do not require any order. Clicking on the drop-down arrow allows for customization of the appearance of bullet lists. Pressing “Tab” on the keyboard will indent a list item and create a sub bulleted item.

Numbered Lists

To the right of Bullet, Lists are numbered lists clipboard_ea0e0c2f03e034c931b5bc3affcd46750.png. Numbered lists are like bullet lists, but they should be used when listing out a sequence of events that must be followed in order. Clicking on the drop-down arrow will allow for customization of the numbered list. Pressing “Tab” on the keyboard will indent a list item and create a sub numeral.

Multi-Level Lists

To the left of Numbered Lists are Multi-Level Lists clipboard_efbd49421303bd381d72b24884b7a423d.png. Multi-Level Lists provide more customization of lists and sub-lists to the user.


Indent Next on the right, the increase/decrease indent icons clipboard_e6493f6a022695c1692da78ef4ab20c42.png allow the user to move the selected text to the right or left five spaces, or to the next tab setting. Increase/Decrease indent also changes the hierarchy of the list. Increasing an indent to the right will make an item a sub-bullet or sub-number of the item above it and decreasing indent to the left will do the opposite.


After an increase/decrease indent is the Sort icon clipboard_edb09ba3e17d2a37cebf9d16848ed9b16.png allows the user to arrange a current selection of text in alphabetical or numerical order. It is usually used when working with tables in Microsoft Word.

Show/Hide Paragraph Formatting

Finally, in the top right corner of the paragraph group is the Show/Hide Paragraph Formatting icon clipboard_eaff981668e6352d888507f53cd57a0ec.png allows the user to view all the hidden formatting options that are currently attributed to the document. This is useful if the formatting seems incorrect in a document and the user is trying to investigate it. Any formatting displayed is not printed.

Paragraph Alignment

The bottom row of the paragraph group begins with Paragraph Alignment settings clipboard_eeb99dac861101af865daf5541d7f2088.png. The settings align the selected text to the left side of the screen (which is standard formatting), centered (which is common for titles), right-aligned, and justified, which distributes text evenly between the margins. Most word documents are written with left alignment, so that is the default settings.

Line & Paragraph Spacing

To the right of the paragraph alignment icons is Line & Paragraph Spacing clipboard_ef339625ad98b5c16b84e210c821cb515.png. These settings allow the user to choose how much space exists between lines and between paragraphs. This is helpful to enhance the readability of paragraphs by creating enough space between sentences and paragraphs. For more customization, users can click on “Line Spacing Options” in the drop-down menu for even greater controls.


The Shading function clipboard_e6fce67469a5a839a7f630e3915b5bdac.png to the right of Line & Paragraph Spacing allows the user to change the color behind a paragraph, table, or selected text. It can be used in flyers and more creative word documents.


The Page Borders icon clipboard_e53968715a11247265d58de9333337a26.png allows the user to create borders around selected text and/or paragraphs and define the type of borders from the drop-down menu. There is every type of border imaginable for the user. Borders are usually created to create distance or space between separate ideas or paragraphs.

More settings

Users who desire more control in paragraph formatting can click on the arrow icon facing down and to the right. clipboard_e067b7b0ab3c918982f8358fc411ff344.png. This will launch a more settings menu that will provide customization of the line & paragraph spacing and page breaks.


3. View Tab


Microsoft Word provides a variety of options to view their document for the user to customize their workspace. Read Mode allows the document to be viewed without any editing tools available in Fullscreen mode. Print Layout simulates what the document would look like if the document were printed. It is the default view mode in Microsoft Word. Web Layout simulates the view of the document if it were on a web. Outline mode is for a way to quickly insert ideas on the page, while Draft allows the user to just see the text in the document.
Learning Tools allows the document viewer to customize the way the document is presented and read to them. It allows the user how text and pictures are displayed. Users can also determine whether to display the Ruler on the top and left sides of the workspace, gridlines on the document to make it appear like graph paper, and the navigation pane on the left-hand side of the document. The user can also Zoom in or out, and have the document automatically be adjusted to the display size of one page or multiple pages. Users can even open a new window of the document to work in two different places at the same time, or split the document at the insertion point to work in multiple sections at the same time in the document. Finally, Word users can click on the Switch Windows icon on the screen to switch between open word documents, and Record Macros, which allow the user to create their shortcuts by recording actions on the screen and creating a shortcut to perform everything they previously did. When they need to replicate that task, they can enter shortcut and the Macro would be initiated. Macros are for advanced users and not covered in detail in this text.