If you want to succeed you need to set goals without them you. Lack focus and direction they also provide you. With a benchmark to determine whether or not you are actually succeeding at them.
We all struggle sometimes to achieve our plans and it's not that we lack the effort but our goals are not structured efficiently to accomplish your objective you need to know how to set it up properly you can't simply say i wish i could make more money and expect it to happen a goal without a plan is just a wish it is also important to recognize that not all objectives are created equal so today i'll explain the smart method of goal. Setting and how it will amplify your chances of actually succeeding
let's get started.
As stands for specific we all have plenty of dreams and goals but most of them are all generalized and vague so we don't really know how to achieve them your goal must be clear and well defined you can only get to where you. Want by defining precisely how you. Will get there
for example let's take a look at this generalized wish i want to be healthier or i want to have a better body what does all of this even mean it's super vague and not specific enough a better example would be i'll replace drinking soda with water i'll also be going to. The gym three times a week. For forty five minutes you could be even more.
Specific three times per week could mean every monday wednesday and friday.
Every time. At three. Pm.
Make it a specific as possible so we know what exactly are going to be focusing on.
M. stands for measurable tracking the progress of your goal is an important part of keeping you motivated it allows you to set milestones that you. Can celebrate when you achieve them and reevaluate when you. Don't if your goal is simply defined as.
Lose weight how will you. Know when you. Have been successful you.
Need to define exactly how much weight you. Want to lose a much better goal would be i want to lose than pounds this way you. Have something to aim for and you can even set smaller milestones along the way
basically you. Break that big objective into other smaller objectives so if you. Think that ten pounds is.
Too much you. Should break it down. Into manageable pieces first aim for three pounds then another tree all the way up to ten it's the progress that keeps.
Us motivated so if you. Don't have. A way to measure it you will fail with your ambition
a stands for attainable make sure that it's possible to achieve the dreams you. Set for yourself far. Too many people fall into the trap of setting impossible goals while they.
May push it forward. For. A while you will almost certainly end up giving up on them instead of being impossible your goals should be challenging yet achievable there's nothing wrong with shooting.
For the stars. As you. Might end up at.
The moon however unless you. Want to burnout it's much more. Efficient to take small steps
for example making one million dollars by the end of the month is impossible if you can't even pay your bills. A much more attainable goal would be making extra one hundred dollars by the end of the month once you. Have achieved that you.
Can go a step further. And try making extra two hundred dollars you don't want to set yourself up for failure by trying to go far beyond the bounds of possibility it will only make you. Miserable.
r stands for relevant your plans should be relevant to the direction you want your life and career to take a common issue we face is having too many goals at the same time or pursuing the wrong goals unless your plan is relevant to your overall life plan achieving it may. Not accomplish anything so if you. Look at my example i wanted to learn.
Because i love the way it sounded however i. Realized that learning the language would be completely useless. For.
i barely know anyone that speaks french and i don't really need to use it anywhere so i stopped learning it as it was taking too much of my time while i was getting enough out of it becoming fluent in french would be nice but it is currently not relevant to my overall life plan so ask yourself why you. Want to achieve your goal before you. Commit to it
t stands for time bound this is one of the most important factors your plans must have a deadline if you. Don't set. A time limit you.
Have basically unlimited time to achieve. Your goals when you. Are working on a deadline your sense of urgent.